Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gardening pics

Frank and Megan working in the garden(where we plant our veggies)
shade garden


Saturday(before the big tooth-loss) we worked in the garden all morning and I got some great pics while we turned the garden and got part of it seeded. With all of the rain we have had all of the veggies may end up on the east end in a big mess come July but we'll see what happens, at least the weeds are looking much better.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mr. Toothless

Mitch lost his first tooth today. It didn't happen like he planned and he was really mad at me because I bumped him in the mouth when I was tickling him and it popped right out and all day he kept asking me, "why did you do that mom?!" Poor guy! I felt really bad but the little tooth was litter ally sticking straight out so it was bound to come out sooner or later. He is officially a kindergartner now!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Kindergarten here we come!!

Mitch had his last day of preschool yesterday and we are MORE than ready for kindergarten! 104 days of summer vacation and Lincoln Academy here we come!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The guilt party

This story is just too good not to share...

This morning was quite hectic with getting dressed, teeth brushing, yada yada, but as I came out of our room and into the bathroom I saw Mitch shaving, yes shaving with Daddy's razor, and he had his face lathered and razor running up and down his cheek. All that came out of my mouth was "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh to your room!" Once I calmed down I told him that he may never use a razor again until he has whiskers to shave or starts driving and that he must clean the bathroom for 5 minutes since he likes spending so much time in there. The five minutes of cleaning was for me to continue to calm down and figure out, calmly, what to do with this inquisitive little 5 year old. The bathroom was actually very neatly cleaned when he was done and he apologized for using a razor and our day went on much like any other without too many other heart attacks for me. Whew!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Daddy's out of dodge

Frank left tonight for a week in Seattle. We are all kind of bummed because this is a super busy week for us and we just hate having him gone anyway. Hopefully, this will be his last out of state trip for a while.

On the home front we have a TON, and I mean a TON, going on this week.

We wrap up our Tuesday night program at church
We are going to the member night at the Zoo
Mitch has a school picnic on Thursday
Friday the parents are throwing the kids a big graduation party for a of the preschoolers

And then of course there is the other chores that have to be squash in between all of that stuff and we can't leave Megan and her gymnastics out too. I am hoping I make it to Saturday for a nap on the porch or some other sort of pampering! Pray for me!

Kid gardening sites

After my post yesterday I went on the hunt for some gardening sites that had projects to do with the kids over the summer.

This is what I found

I am sure there are thousands more but these had some cool things that I thought both Mitch and Megan both might like, at least for the first week school is out!! I'd also like to find some with a scripture connection so if anyone knows of any please let me know.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I love gardening but I have yet to become "oh so great at it" or for it to be kind to my back. Since it is just a hobby and I have 2 small kiddos I just sort of dink around at it. If you want to see a really amazing garden stop past my parents house and peek over the fence at their amazing gardens(yes plural) with water features and trains!! For now, the kids and I are happy to dig weeds, look for worms, rolly pollys and plant the few assorted flower pots and our minimal vegetable garden area. Last year, I went all our with the vegetables but quickly found I didn't have enough room for what I wanted to grow and the pumpkin began to take over the yard so this year we are just planting spinach, cucumbers and tomatoes. It's a lot of fun, a great way to be outside with the kids and they just love to work right along side me. Maybe this year we can get a handle on all those weeds!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

Me and my mom!!

I had a really nice Mother's day weekend. Frank made sure I got spoiled and gave me the whole morning to myself on Saturday(I love when he does that). Then we spent the afternoon planting some flowers and went our for an early family dinner. On Sunday Mitch came in all bright and shinny early and informed me he was making me a very special Mother's Day breakfast, "what did I want and could I please come make him some berry milk?"!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A survey for those of us over 30

1) What bill do you hate paying the most?Credit Card
2) Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?LaLoma --for my birthday
3) What do you really want to be doing right now?I could use a massage
4) How many colleges did you attend?2 Univ. of Northern Colorado and Metro State
5) Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now?It's pink!
6) What are your thoughts on gas prices?no thoughts
7) First thought when the alarm went off this morning?no alarm, it's Saturday!!
8) Last thought before going to sleep last night?none, I fell into bed I was so tired from the week!
9) Do you miss being a child?Only when I am playing Barbies with Megan
10) What errand/chore do you despise?cleaning the bathroom
11) Get up early or sleep in?Would love to sleep in but never really get the chance
12) Have you found real love yet ?Yes
13) Favorite lunch meat?Turkey
14) What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart?eggs, creamer, bread, strawberries...
15) Beach or lake?BEACH
16) Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?No way!!
17) Sopranos or Desperate Housewives?Don't watch either
18) What famous person would you like to have dinner with?Rachael Ray
19) Have you ever crashed your vehicle?No (knocking on some wood)
20) Ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?No - thank God
21) Ring tone?One of the few choices on my Atand t cheapy phone - have no idea
22) Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?camping somewhere I am sure
23) Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?Palmdale to see Rachel
25) At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship?Neither
26) How old are you?31
27) Do you have a go to person?Yes, I have a few
28) Are you where you want to be in life?most definately
29) Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons?Smurfs
30) What about you do you think has changed the most?My hormones and my patience!!
31) Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life?no but it's where I met Frank

Monday, May 4, 2009

Onward Potty Training

Megan continued with the potty training really well today and we took a trip to Walmart this morning for all of the essential potty training needs: a large bribe to keep the good work up(a new Barbie), pretty princess panties for an incentive, more pull-ups, and M&Ms. Can you tell I am all about bribes? It's working so far because she has been using the potty pretty well today. Now I know there are people out there who will tell you you can potty train a kid in a day(or 2) but I think it is a total process and it takes at least a month if not longer and it is amazing how quickly you forget how much time you spend in the bathroom. Onward and upward is what I say and this too shall be over all too quickly. For now, Meggie is doing really well and the look on her face when she goes "twinkle twinkle" in the potty is just priceless!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Great weekend and big news!

I made up for the long week I had with a really great weekend at home with the kids and Frank. We spent lots and lots of time together, had a great great lazy day yesterday, a totally nutty morning at church today and some really fun time out working in the yard this afternoon.

We also have some really big news around here too...Mitch has his very first loose tooth and Megan started potty training Saturday night. Both kids are VERY proud of themselves and Mitch looks so cute with his wiggly tooth(I hope to get a good pic soon) and Megan figured out today that if you go potty on the potty you get M&Ms so we have been running to the bathroom a lot today!! We also had our first log jam in the bathroom today when Mitch and Megan BOTH had to go and we had to explain to Mitch that Megan is just learning so if his was an emergency could he please use Mommy's bathroom. Poor guy! Being the oldest can be so frustrating sometimes!

It's so fun to watch them grow and change. Frank and I are looking forward to the summer with them both and what lies ahead for both us and them.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Long week

This has been one of the longest weeks ever and now it is already May!
Some of the highlights were:
taking the kids to the donut shop and to the park Wednesday and Mitch telling me it was the best day ever!
playing endless rounds of hi ho cherry-o with Megan(with Megan rules)
MOPS on Tuesday
finally getting a massage
making it to Friday and movie night with Frank and the kids

Some of the low lights or just plain weirdness:
4 inches of snow on Monday and 60 degrees by lunch time
Gordon getting locked in Megan's room on Wed after our near perfect morning at the donut shop and park
The garbage disposal getting clogged (on same Wed) and having gross nasty water back up in to the wrong side of the sink.
Getting a screw in my front tire
Having a migraine for 3 days and needing to get a shot to get rid of the darn thing