I had a conversation over the weekend with another person that blogs about blogging everything in our lives or thinking about things during the day and thinking, "should I blog about that." For those of you who don't have a blog you all think I am nutso about now but I totally got what she was saying, so for the past few days I have been editing my thoughts and really truly wondering if what I post is what I want going out on the web for everyone to read. And then I thought, you know, I am a mom, I am funny, my blog is about how crazy funny my life is and how I make it all work and still try to teach my kids about God. I guess if I post something and it doesn't work or fit that's what they made the delete button for. I sure do overthink things too much!
So...on with the funny story because funny is what keeps me going. Grocery shopping with Megan
This is not an event I enjoy, but every week I seem to have to participate in the olympic mommy event. Mitch always was and still is a great shopping partner. To this day I would still choose him to go shopping with over Megan(sorry Meg) but today I had both of them with me. And today was like no other day and Megan is like no other girl who goes to the store, she wants it all and she is hungry!! This morning she even wanted the bananas! Everything I put into the cart should have to pass through Megan and be inspected by her before it is then passed to the large cart if she had her way. Then there is the free cookie. To Megan why get the free cookie when you could have a donut instead and they are just in the next case over and she doesn't understand that they don't count as free so that usually ticks her off and starts a tantrum that lasts throughout half of the store. The tantrum is going on while I am trying to shop and cross things off my list and I pass by other things she wants like, candy, cereal, chips, ice cream, gold fish, Christmas decorations. Once we get to the check out line she usually gets impatient there too and then things start flying OUT of the cart. Really this is not a fun time. Then we get home, I unload as fast as I can because she is now starving(even f I brought her snacks at the store and she did eat the free cookie)and she starts looking for the food we bought but I would not let her open. Oh, Megan! Really, if I could I would love to leave her at home but sometimes I just have to take her with me and when she has a 2 year old I will tell her this story and what an olympic event it was to take her to the grocery store.