I am being a single mommy this week while Frank is in MN on business. I am praying for a great week. The kids have been on a real terror streak though, not listening, talking back(Mitch), and just generally beating on each other, so my expectations are pretty low. I have set aside many bribes and hope they won't be on a sugar high by Tuesday...kidding! I can do this, it's only one week, and my aunt did single mommy for years while my uncle was away in the military. No whining!
They are in bed and asleep especially early so I am planning to get a jump start on the week's laundry and I rented
Twilight, Jane Austin Book Club and Fireproof for the week so we'll see how those are and how long those last me. I also have a good book to read because when Frank is gone I don't sleep well, go figure! I sure do miss our
rottie on weeks like this.