Friday, December 17, 2010

December catch-up

I am way overdue in posting...this month has just flown by so far and I can hardly believe Mitch's birthday is in 3 days and Christmas is in 8. Wow! We have had several parties in the past few weeks(our family has 6 December birthdays between the 7th and 29th) and we have all shared a nasty cold that has us all sounding like a bunch of barking seals, except Megan, she is the healthiest this year! Yay for no more tonsils!! Mitch and Megan are both out on Christmas break as of today so we have about 3 weeks to rest, play, celebrate, and hopefully, stay healthy.

Here are just a few pics from the last week of all the fun we had...
Mitch and Megan with Great Grandma Shirley at her 80th birthday party
Megan singing in her Christmas Program at Happy Valley Preschool

Mitch at his bowling party last Saturday

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