Thursday, September 25, 2008

4 year old theology

Since Mati passed away 2 weeks ago Mitch and I have had some very deep theological conversations about God, death and everlasting life. Kinda deep for a 4 year old, huh?! Kind of deep for this 30 year old mom! He's really cute about it though and today I heard him on the couch say, "Hi God, it's me Mitch, I'm just sitting here with my other dog Gordon. Could you please tell Mati hi for me. Okay, bye!" It was so cute and so heartbreaking because I miss Mati so much. I guess he really does understand more than I thought he did and Frank and I have been telling him he can talk to God when ever he needs to. I am glad I was there today to hear that moment he took to talk to God today on the couch and witness his faith growing.

1 comment:

Carrie Wallace said...

We've had several similar experiences with Grace since our dog, Morgan, died the day after Christmas. It's amazing what their little minds/hearts understand.