Friday, September 12, 2008


So, I have been reading a lot lately. After my surgery I watched a ton of TV and the Olympics but quickly got tired of that so I returned to my old love of reading. In the last 3 weeks or so I think I have read 5 or 6 books. That is a ton for me and almost more than I have read in an entire 6 months! The best so far have been PS I love you and Songs of the Humpback Whale. I also read The Shack because all of my Christian mom friends said I HAD to and it was SO good but I hate to say I was disappointed and struggled to even finish it. Right now I picked up a new author, Maria de Los Santos and her book is called Love Walked in. So far so good. I am sure I will be done by next week.

I'm glad it's Friday and the week is about over. The stress of loosing Mati on Monday has Frank and I both worn out and I think we are both looking forward to some rest this weekend. The cooler weather has been nice and I am looking forward to fall. We've gotten into a nice routine around here now that Mitch is back in school and today I even helped in his classroom. He's really grown up over the summer and it was fun to see him in his new class and meet some of his new friends.

Till another day...

1 comment:

Carrie Wallace said...

I wasn't in love with "The Shack" either.... too bad.

I'm still trying to finish my latest book! I can't seem to read more than a page or two at a time these days. :)