Monday, September 1, 2008

Wedding Memories...

Frank and I went to a wedding Friday night at the Chateaux...where we had our reception...and it was fun to go back and see how it had changed as well as relive some of the memories from that wonderful night. I remember being the bride that couldn't wait to get out on the dance floor and get her groove on. Unlike the wedding we were at where the dancing didn't start until 10pm!! I would have died! I was so happy to be marrying the man of my dreams I just wanted to party and have a good time! (really just wanted to dance and carry on like no one's business and luckily there isn't much video of that!) Of course we are older now and we left the wedding to come to check on one(Mitch) sick little one and then Megan and I got sick this weekend too. So not much more news to share. Mitch starts preschool this week so he is excited and we are looking forward to getting back into a routine around here.
Till then...

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