Tuesday, September 9, 2008

God's house

The house is real quiet today and I am amazed how many times I have looked around, counted dogs, or listened for Mati only to remember she's no longer here. My heart aches each time I think about it and when Frank took only 2 dogs bowls down to the garage this morning to feed our other 2 I had to look away. I'm amazed how much she was a part of our lives and how much I already miss her. Yesterday after Frank came home from the vet and we told Mitch about what had happened he looked at up and very innocently asked, " but who will drive her to God's house?" An innocent question but one neither Frank or I couldn't really answer. Frank told him Dr. Schaffer knew the way and what mattered was that God loved her very much and he would take care of her now and she would be with Him very soon. That was a good enough answer for Mitch but he was still thinking about it and later asked if Dr. Schaffer had to drive up a hill and around a corner to get there and were there a lot of right turns. He's such a funny kid and it lightened the mood for a moment. For now, it's quiet around here but, thankfully, I still have Mazie and Gordon to love on.


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