Monday, September 8, 2008

Goodbye our dear Matilda

Today our dear girl Matilda left us to go on to doggie heaven. For Frank and I it was the most heartbreaking, gut wrenching experience we've yet to go through. She was our first baby, together we picked her out 8 years ago almost to the day over Labor day weekend. She was a rolly poly puppy who instantly stole our hearts. She had so much energy that at about 4 or 6 months I had to start walking her twice a day just to wear her out. She chewed through everything and I remember the day I came home from Metro and found Frank's recliner askew in the middle of the living room with half of it chewed off. She was into everything at that stage and I lost many shoes, underwear and even a few books. The puppy grew up and mellowed and she turned into a loyal watch dog. She loved to sit in the front window or on the back porch and watch for anything that might come into her yard. Four years ago when we brought Mitch home she welcomed him and always made sure he was safe. When I got up to nurse him at night she was right there with me. Loyal till the very end. This summer was hard for the both of us but a month ago when I came home from the hospital she laid by my side of the bed night after night knowing I needed her companionship. I will miss her so much. Saying goodbye didn't seem like enough. But I knew it was time for her to go and not suffer any longer. I will miss her snoring at night, walking over her big speed bump body in the kitchen and just generally having her around. I love my dogs so much and I can hardly see through the tears to type anymore so I hope Mati is up in doggie heaven 0n our old maroon couch she loved so much and taking a big nap no longer in pain.

I love you old girl!!

7/5/00 - 9/8/08


Shelley said...

I'm so sorry about Mati - she was a good dog, and I know you'll all miss her very much. I'm sure she's in doggy heaven running around on legs that don't hurt anymore, or maybe napping in a sun puddle. We'll be thinking of you all.
love, Shel and Earl

Anonymous said...

I too will miss sweet Mati. I went upstairs to paint my toes last night after you all left and found my self crying over the thought of never getting another slobber kiss from her. I will truly miss all the fun we used to have painting her toenails, playing hide-and-go seek and holding junior high choir practice. Morgie and I loved her so very much.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Mati. I remember when you first brought her home. She was a great dog. I am going to miss her. They become a huge part of our life. This really upset me today. My thoughts are with you, Frank, Mitch and Megan.