Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sister for sale

I'm not sure what's up with Megan but today that poem by Shel Silverstein Sister For Sale would have summed up mine and Mitch's day with her. Everything I did or Mitch did was not right according to Miss Megan and there was a lot of screaming and fits at our house today. I don't really want to sell her but I think Mitch might like to trade her in for a new model that doesn't harass him so much. She and I went to the library this morning and it was rather embarrassing and we only checked out 2 books before I sounded like a mother snake and took her out of there but before that I had a chiropractor appointment and she is usually pretty good when I take her with me but today she pushed the button for the bed while I was laying on it and I got a little ride. Oh Megan! Luckily my chiropractor has grandkids and was very patient with her. I know 2 only lasts so long and I am really liking 4 1/2 with Mitch but more days like this are going to wear me out! Time for a few pages of my book and then off to bed!

1 comment:

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

That is one poem that my oldest knows by heart and rattles off at random (and usually inappropriate!) times.

Memorizing multiplication tables isn't so easy. But that poem? Piece of cake!