Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feeling Weary

If GOD had speed dial (other than prayer) I am sure I would always be on it. And I wonder how he would feel when I called. "It's Erin, again", "She's tired", "The kids are sick", "She has a migraine". I wonder if that's how the doctor's office felt today when I called about Megan. Yes, Megan. I *think* she may have swallowed a plastic skrew from one of Mitch's toys. I had my back turned and I heard Mitch yell, "that's DISGUSTING Megan!" and she had thrown up. The thing is, I don't know if she threw up the skrew because 3 of them had throw up on them. So I had to call the doctor and talk to my favorite nurse who knows me by first name by now. Short version...we just have to wait and she if anything passes.
So I was feeling slightly judged today and very weary and trying to remember the verse from a devo about such a thing that just might help...

Come to me, all you who are weary and weak, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11: 28



Shelley said...

Nice blog - you are so creative! Glad Meggie is OK so far... :)

Erin said...

She's a fighter just like her dad: ) Frank is pretty sure she threw the screw up and didn't swallow it. Crazy girl!!