Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bloggy Update

I haven't had much of a chance to sit down this week and blog. There is no real good reason other than life in general is just really busy. For the quick up date, here goes:
Easter was great! The kids dyes lots of eggs and I cooked a lamb that Frank said was out of this world. He has been telling people about it all week.

Tuesday I got my Body Fat checked, which was a humbling but helpful experience...short story, I am increasing my cardio and eating more veggies : ) It wasn't too bad but it never hurts.

Mitch had his kindergarten testing yesterday and did really well. We also got to meet his teacher and she seems very nice. I can't believe all that will start/happen in about 4 months! Wow!

Today we had a great family day and went and saw the Hannah Montana movie (LOVED it) and then came home and I played around in the kitchen with the lamb leftovers and cooked up a yummy lamb stew!! Who knew!!

I'll post some Easter pics next but then I REALLY need to finish the book for Monday's book club. It's my pick so if I get there and don't have it read the girls won't have me back!

posting next...

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