Monday, November 16, 2009

Scratch but don't itch

Megan had skin testing done today for her food allergies, mostly egg, but we also included spinach, strawberries and tomatoes. It was a very long morning and took a little less than 2 hours for the whole process. She was a real trooper for a three year old, and we only had one screaming fit at the very beginning when we arrived and she was yelling, "I don't want to see the egg doctor!!". It was mildly embarrassing but it quickly got us into an exam room. The nurses were also really great with her and I had packed a huge bag of tricks(I went through skin testing when I was 12) so everyone was pretty well prepared. Since her egg test came back negative(great news) she was also able to get a flu shot(terrible news for her). After we waited the 30 minutes to see if she would react to the flu shot we took her out for a special treat and she is happy to be now reading some new Princess Tiana books. So, how soon will I jump in and let her start eating eggs again? hmmm...

***added later
I should add that Megan does not have any know food allergies(thanks for the emails from many of you), but she still does have dermographism which is when she gets hives from being exposed to extreme cold or heat. She also gets hives if she gets scratched really hard or her clothing is too tight. Hopefully, this is something she will outgrow.

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