Sunday, May 15, 2011

Field Day Follies

Field Day was Friday, and Mitch had a great time participating in all of the events. His school puts on a really great Field Day with all of the traditional races, as well as a bouncy obstacle course and a dunk tank(more about the dunk tank later). Mitch said his favorite events were all of the races and the cup stacking.

Later in the day was when he ran into a little trouble with the dunk tank. At lunch recess he got hit by a stray ball being thrown at the dunk tank and spent some time in the clinic, and later I picked him up early from school. He was upset because he missed the firetruck from Station 4 which comes to the school every year on Field day, but I think he got over it. It was a pretty good day; it's just too bad it had to end with an injury this year.

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