Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My last MOPS

Yesterday was my last MOPS meeting. It was much more of an emotional morning than I had anticipated. I had a hard time sleeping the night before and was worried about an item I had lost that I needed for the meeting. When I was in the shower and getting ready I realized I really wasn't worried about the lost item, I was upset that this truly was my last MOPS meeting.

The morning went well and our Leadership team honored the four women who were "graduating" from MOPS, myself included. I think what touched me the most was the women from our team who graciously stepped forward and spoke about how each of us graduating moms had touch them some way, or been a huge part of their lives since joining MOPS. It was really quite humbling and brought us all to tears.

The purpose of MOPS is really for preschool moms, and I know God has amazing things ahead for me, but I will miss my Tuesdays with those girls. I have made some incredible friendships in the last four years, and while the journey hasn't been without bumps and bruises I wouldn't have wanted to walk those last four years without any of those girls along side me. I am praying for new doors and ministries to open up to me, and I am really looking forward to spending time in the kids' classrooms in the Fall. Yesterday wasn't goodbye to all of the friends I have made, it was just, "see you again soon!".

Love, to all of my FCC MOPS girls!

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