Saturday, July 26, 2008

Has it been a week?

The last week has gone by in a fog. On Tuesday I started not feeling well again and it started another long journey of doctors visits and ended with an endoscopy yesterday. The good news is that the endoscopy went well and ruled out any GI problems so I probably just had a bug this week that knocked me down for 3 days and am still having the recurring girl problems that will hopefully(all fingers and toes crossed) be resolved when I have my partial hysterectomy on Aug. 8th. The kids were little troopers this week going to doctors appts. with me and very thrilled to see my MIL more than usual this week and spend time at her house in the afternoon. I have no idea what I would have done without her because on Wed. my parents left for Alaska for 2 weeks. Today is a better day and I am thankful that the week is over and Megan slept in until 8:30 today.

On a different note...Megan had her 2 year check up yesterday and she marched right in to the doctors office like she was a professional, got weighed, measured, had her blood pressure taken and then made a sharp left out the door when we were done and headed for the EXIT!! It was so cute! She was not thrilled when we headed her off at the pass and made her wait for the doctor. She is a perfectly healthy 2 year old and brother Mitch went with us and was very concerned about the number of shots she was going to get. She only had to get one this time and he made doubly sure that was the correct number and that she got a sticker. : )


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