Saturday, June 12, 2010

Magical number 6

Megan isn't feeling well again and this makes for her sixth, yes sixth, round of pharyngitis since January. Like clockwork she seems to get these nasty tonsils almost every four weeks. When I saw her tonsils looking nasty again today I called into the after hours care at our doctor's office and told them that this was a chronic problem and was lucky enough to talk to our actual doctor and not the nurse. He kindly agreed to document this as her 6th case and said it was time to call back the pediatric ENT at Children's and for her to be seen again. Will that mean she gets her tonsils out around her 4th birthday or just after? I kind of hope so but she is so stubborn that maybe waiting a few months wouldn't be so bad either. Who knows! Honestly, I just can't believe she's had six rounds of this in six months. I feel so bad for the little thing. Pray, please, for her little body, my patience and the doctor's wisdom.

On another note...we've been working on re-doing her room into a "big girl" room. She is so thrilled. I let her pick out the color, cotton candy pink, and I painted it this week and this weekend we are starting to decorate and put it all back together. It's taking a bit since she isn't feeling well we are doing lots of snuggling, book reading and watching TV. We're having fun though and oh my is it pink!

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