Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seasons are changing

I am starting to feel a change coming. I haven't decided quite what to make of it yet, but something is definitely changing around me, friends, schedules, and the like. I just feel so busy and things that use to feel comfortable and fun seem more challenging and burdensome. It's got me worn down and anxious. Someone at MOPS asked me if I enjoy all the time I have now that my kids are in school, and I literally had to keep from laughing in her face. I don't mean to be rude, but I hardly ever sit down during the day unless it is to fold laundry. Okay, okay, I do when Megan and I are playing, but I just always am "on call". Why don't people understand that a mom's job never ends?

November is also just right around the corner which means the word Kindergarten is getting thrown around and it has me all in a tizzy. Spending time with Megan seems all so important to me right now. Doing crafts, playing Barbies, babies and animal vet is always high on my list because I feel like this season I am in is getting shorter and shorter.

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