Thursday, November 6, 2008

Coffee Convert

I have to admit that I have become a coffee convert. I made it all the way through years of college and marriage to a man for 8 years who drinks a pot a day without touching the stuff until the last month. Oh, I could always enjoy a cup of decaf but lately the need for a little extra caffeine has lured me more than once to my husband's stash of very rich Gevalia coffee. I am on a new medication for my migraines and of course one of the side effects is extreme drowsiness. I take it at night so around 11am I find myself needing a pick me up before I go get Mitch from preschool. And now I know why all of the coffee drinkers out there buzz around...that stuff has kick! And you can put milk, creamer, sugar, honey, all sorts of stuff in it. Who knew you didn't have to drink it black and dark as night like my sweet husband likes it! All the possibilities!

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