Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I made it back!

Here I am! My new computer is up and working. I still don't have all the kinks worked out and nothing is where it used to be, but MAN is it fast! WOW! I used to sign on to check my Facebook account, click on my profile, walk to the kitchen, comeback and then start looking at who left me a message!! lol Now it is zip-ity quick! I am LOVing it! Thanks Frank: ) His friend Howard built it for me at his favorite computer store.

In the mean time, I have been loosing my mind, quite literally, filling out forms and registering Mitch and Megan for preschool and kindergarten next fall. I am trying to fit in time to read and workout so I feel normal and sane but somedays I still get that in still feel crazy! I did just finish The Art of Racing in the Rain for book club and thought it was a pretty good read and then quickly sped through The Last Lecture. Both were decent but now I need something light and not so focused on death...any thoughts or suggestions?!

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