Monday, January 5, 2009


This year I resolved to be more organized. Generally, I am not an organized person. Clean, yes. Oraganized, no. I remember I used to be organized to some extent in high school and some of college and then I think I had kids and all that went out the window. The real kicker happened over the weekend when Frank saw me getting my socks out (as I was finishing getting dressed) over the weekend and I got one grey sock out of one drawer and another out of a different drawer. He gave me this look like, "seriously"! The crazy thing was that I knew exactly where that pair of socks was because I had seen them in the last week while looking for some other random thing. I know, sad, right? So there started my resolution of organizing and on Sunday I organized my sock and underwear drawer. This week I am onto the bill file and such since it is the beginning of the year and the bills and money give me such a fit each month. We'll see where that takes me. I also made my first "to do" list in probably a good year and even crossed things off today. What a concept!! If my sister reads this she is going to roll her eyes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so PROUD of you. Let me know when you want help.