Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009 has been a great year so far! : ) Frank and I rang in the New Year on the couch with a great movie last night...Into the Wild...if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. Today we all got to sleep in a little, Megan and I went shopping with my mom at JoAnne's and I have a few craft projects I am looking forward to and then we did the traditional New Year's dinner with my parents tonight. I made sure to eat lots of sauerkraut for good luck and money for the year and we started to make our resolutions for each other but my sister and her husband have the crud now so we weren't the rowdy crowd we usually are on New Year's day. This year I do hope to be a little more organized than I usually taking the grocery list to the store with me, organizing the bills...I seem like the "A" personality but really Iam not. The thoughts in my head keep me from being totally and completely organized like some people I know. to bed. I am planning to do something fun with the kiddos tomorrow. Maybe a movie or the aquarium if I am brave. Happy New Year to all!

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