Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I need to be honest, I haven't been sleeping well, and I don't think I have had a good night sleep in close to a month. Most nights I am awake between 2am-3am or 3am-4am. It's never more than an hour and it's just enough to drive you crazy and make the next day hazy and a 2 cup of coffee day. I can't figure out why this is happening. I am wondering if I am worrying about Mitch and his asthma, just worrying in general or if it is hormones (post hysterectomy). Whatever it is I am SO over it and more than ready for a good nights sleep. If anyone has any cures or helpful hints for periodic insomnia (that's the medical term I found online) please let me know. For now, I will keep tossing and turning, wandering the house, and praying.

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