Sunday, January 31, 2010

The age thing

I've always been okay with the age thing. For me, it's really never been more than a number, but lately there are certain things that are starting to remind me that I have passed 30 and I'm not the Spring chicken I used to be. Things like: the girl I used to baby sit all the time(for more than 5+ years) getting married in December, Mitch telling me he will be 7 in 11 months(that made me do a double take), one of my youngest cousins graduating from high school this coming May. All little reminders that time doesn't stand still and that soon I will celebrate my 32nd year and even though I still may feel 25 everyone else around me is moving, growing and changing. These little reminders also make me want to take care of myself, eat well, exercise, and take care of my skin. I saw a friend of mine Friday morning and she is 7 years older than me and I couldn't believe the lines on her face. When I got home I went upstairs and looked at my face to see if I was starting to age like that. Luckily, I was in the clear, but like I said, time isn't standing still so I have been a little better with the eye cream in the last few days because, seriously!! The good thing about 32 compared to 25 is that I feel like I am much more comfortable with who I am. I like myself as a whole person and feel much more secure. I am at peace with the fact that this is the body that God gave me so I better take care of it, love it and cherish what came from it. I still believe age is just a number and this even number that is coming up in a few days is looking pretty darn good.

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