Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Loaf

I made my first two loaves of bread by hand yesterday. Kneading, rising, kneading, rising, baking... and they turned out really well. A good friend turned me on to making my own sourdough bread because Mitch isn't real fond of any of the gluten free breads I've found on the market. Sourdough has a much more limited yeast/gluten content depending on how you make it and this one turned out really well, wasn't too time consuming and Mitch really likes it. If anyone else is interested check out This is where you can get the sourdough starter, recipes, tips, tricks, etc. I found the flour at Kings on sale this week and stocked up on a few bags for the next few batches. I'll be baking again next week and it is so good hot out of the oven with real butter! Yum!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Can't wait to try it!!