Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Jeans

I'm blogging about new jeans, yes, but if you know how long I have needed or been shopping for jeans you would understand what a big deal this is. I also found these jeans a week or so ago in Dillard's but, of course, they didn't have my size so the nice sales woman suggested ordering them for me. So, today they were waiting for me on my front step. Yay! I have to admit I was rather worried that said jeans may not fit and I would have to go through the grieving processes and start all over again. But, hooray, they do and I literally ran around the house in them. I am pretty sure Megan and the dogs thought I was nuts-o but who cares. I now have two brand new pair of jeans to wear, the old ones that were looking so shabby can now be relegated to weekends, and Frank doesn't have to listen to me whine about never finding jeans that fit, at least for a while anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

maybe youshould by a stockpile of them....