Friday, March 18, 2011

New Menu

As the season is starting to change and become warmer I have been feeling kind of bored with the meals I am cooking around here. Frank found me with the recipe box the other day and got very excited. I usually meal plan and shop for a week, but I feel like I am recycling the same 5 meals. My family isn't complaining(Megan only complains if it is soup, then she says yuck to that!), but I am feeling the need for some change.

These are a few of the recipes that are floating around in my mind, on my list, and tonight we had Carolina Chicken sandwiches.

Mexican Lasagna
Cabbage rolls
Chicken Marsala
Ham and Swiss Mac n Cheese

I am also looking forward to organic Spring fruits and veggies. Really good asparagus and strawberries are just right around the corner.

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