Tuesday, March 15, 2011


There is nothing I love more than a lazy day at home, but with two kids, two dogs and a husband that loves projects, lazy rarely happens. Now that we are in the season of elementary school I am finding that "activities" and "being active" is forced down a family's throat. I tend to move in the opposite direction and Frank and I have always agreed that the kids could only participate in one "activity", but recently karate came onto the scene. Mitch's school is doing an after school fundraiser type thing and oh, my gosh are we busy now. It is only 3 weeks and I am secretly praying that he doesn't like it because 1) it's expensive and 2) I can't handle all the running around. Plus, whatever happen to letting kids be kids. Am I sounding old fashioned? When I was little all I wanted to do was play Barbies, Barbies and more Barbies. Sure my sister and I were involved in Girl Scouts, a little bit of dance and there were some years of unicycle lessons(that's really random!!) but I just wanted to play. As a mom I keep the kids on a pretty tight schedule, but it's not a schedule of activities, it's a schedule just so they know what's next and chores, homework and other such things get accomplished. This is a battle I can only fight so long, activities, but one I will choose to battle so that my kids can have afternoons free as long as possible and just be that, kids.

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