Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Megan

Dear Megan,

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! Daddy and I love you so much! This has been a great year for you and you have grown up so much! Everyday you make me laugh, and you say the silliest things which bring me great joy.

You still love the color pink, princesses, and just about anything "girlie". You favorite hobby is driving you brother bananas, and smothering him with kisses and hugs while doing it. I love to watch you draw and create new things at the dining room table. If the scissors are ever missing I know just who to ask. You will start Kindergarten in just a few weeks. I know you are ready, but I will miss our "girl time" mornings together. You are the best shopping buddy, and I have tried to teach you the art of coupons, sales clearance.

I love you dearly Megan and I hope five is super special for you.

Love and kisses,


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