Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I can't believe it has been almost a week since I posted anything. I guess I obviously had way more time to be on the Internet last week when Frank was gone. In the last week these are just a few of the highlights (and low lights) that we have had around here:
Frank got home safe Friday night...the kids were SO cute when we picked him up at the airport.

Mitch pulled the fire alarm at church Sunday morning, DURING the 11am service and the whole congregation got to be evacuated. I would have like the crawl under a rock!

We had our Christmas MOPS holiday party on Sunday night and I learned how to play Bunco.

A MOPS mom taught me how to make and teach others to make dang-ly beaded earrings on Monday.

On Tuesday we had our Christmas MOPS meeting despite all of the snow and it was beautiful and wonderful.

It's been a very full week and it is ONLY Wednesday night! Luckily, I have the kids in bed early and am looking forward to some reading by the Christmas tree tonight.

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