Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thirty Three

I turned 33 today...the high was maybe 11 and it we got even more snow than last week. I thought for sure, and was hoping for a snow day, but not this week. Instead, my day was filled with wonderful MOPS friends, lunch with Megan and my aunt's , fabulous Mexican food at our favorite restaurant with Frank and the kids, turtle brownies and presents. The kids have been dying to give me their gifts for days so it was very fun tonight to have them "help" me with my gifts. They got me a beautiful sterling silver charm bracelet with 3 charms. Precious. Megan already had it all figured out so I will have to watch it very carefully!
So, now I am looking forward to my 33rd year. 32 was pretty darn great, though. As Frank told me tonight, "you look great babe, just keep kickin' it old school!". My husband is kind of a goof, but so am I! To many more candles on my cake(or brownie).

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