Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What a ride...

journey, trip, long haul, been there, done that, got the t-shirt!! I went in for my last post op check-up this afternoon and got a clean bill of health, FINALLY! I have been dealing with these female issues since April so it has been a long 6 months going back and forth from the doctors office to the hospital, laying on the couch, feeling like crud, being in pain, loosing weight on my throw-up diet, having surgery, recovery from surgery, getting sick after surgery, having complications after the surgery, and now almost 3 months later finally feeling better. Wow did that take forever. The great news is that I feel SO much better. I physically am back to 99.9% of the mom I want to be and can workout, walk the dogs, do all the things I use to do but mentally and hormonally I am still a mess. It's like a band aide that got ripped off a little too slowly and the pain still really hurts even though there really is no physical pain there. I'm not sure how long it will take to recover from this emotionally but day by day I try to work through my feeling and the crazy hormones. The only real relief I find is by doing yoga and praying, a lot. Both seem to calm my nerves and help with my patience. And I still need a lot of patience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that you have a clean bill of health.