Monday, August 4, 2008

Newsy weekend

We had a really busy weekend with the kids and it didn't leave much time for blogging. Thursday we went to the ice cream social at the Zoo, Friday Frank took Mitch to the tractor pulls at the Adam's Cty Fair and Megan and I had a girl night and watched Camp Rock for only the gazillionth time, Sat. night we took the kids to Heritage Square and had a really fun time and yesterday after church I spent the afternoon with a good friend having lunch and shopping around Flatirons! Phew! So today we are having a staying home day, I am pooped, the house is kind of skuzzy and the kids just wanted to play outside. I have lots of pictures to share too.

Oh parents got back from Alaska last night. They have been gone for 12 days and goodness did I miss my mom! She and I usually chat everyday on the phone and we see them 2 or 3 times a week and 12 days was a long time! I missed my dad too but you know...I think Mitch missed him more: )

AND my sister and her husband got a new puppy! I think they are a little crazy because this is their 3rd dog but we have 3 dogs so who am I to talk!! LOL I guess I am just speaking from experience that 3 is A LOT of work!

That's it for today. Pictures will have to get posted later.

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