Saturday, August 16, 2008

What a week!

I made week post op and what a week it was. After my last post I ended up getting a stomach bug that knock me down for 3 days and I layed in bed or on the couch and was down for the count! It was not how I wanted to spend my recovery and it really made me mad but I survived and with the aid of some toast, Popsicles and crackers I am finally feeling better today.

Thank you, to each of you who have emailed, called, sent cards, brought over meals, sent flowers, cookies...the list goes on and you are all so sweet! God has truly blessed me with some wonderful friends and family. Next week will be the real test because Frank has to go back to work and I still can't pick up Megan or drive. Hmmm... Time to call in the troops: )

And Megan has been real creative lately. This morning she found scissors in my desk and did a little trimming of her bangs that called for immediate fixing from mom. It wasn't too bad and is actually more funny but now all scissors will be kept WAY up high!!

Have a good rainy afternoon.

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