Sunday, August 1, 2010

LOVE-ly weekend!

Frank and I have had a really great anniversary weekend. He really spoiled me, and we got to spend some really nice quality time together. We got to see South Pacific at the Beull Friday night(it was incredible) and Saturday we enjoyed a massage and pedicure(me) at the spa. He also surprised me with roses and a diamond anniversary band with 10 diamond for every year we have been married. He was so sneaky and sweet. It really reminded me of when he proposed. I was so thrilled and mad and crying at the same time, a real de ja vue moment. Frank isn't a real big gift giver but when he does they usually are great and he really nailed it this time.

It was a really fantastic weekend and everything I had been looking forward too plus a lot more. I am sad that it is over, but I can really tell it is and it is back to "being mommy" and real life because the dishwasher is running as well as the washer AND dryer!

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