Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back 40

I am not a lover of yard work; it really has nothing to do with the hard work or getting dirty and everything to do with pollen, weeds, trees and lately mosquitoes. Every spring I have the best of intentions to have a really nice, simple garden(s) and every year I am up to my knees in weeds by July. Keeping up with the yeard work in May and June with allergies like mine is like seriously ridiculous. This year, just like last, the hail got to a good portion of my plants the first week in June and left me with little more than sticks sticking out of the ground as well. In my vegetable garden I have rhubarb and basil still growing...yummy! And then there are the weeds. Oh yes, I have flowers, lots of them, and lots and lots of weeds! So for the last few days Frank and I have been trying to dig out from under then weed garden in hopes that by August it might look decent. Like I so optimistically say in the Fall, there's always next year!

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