Thursday, March 6, 2008

Excuses, excuses...

My house is a mess. Not really, but to me it is. I am such a Martha. If I had more free time I would clean. When I am mad, I clean. My cleaning. For the last few days though things have been left undone and Megan is teething. The laundry isn't folded and dog hair is piling up in the cracks. Oh, well. Like my girlfriend says, "the kids are happy and fed" and there is always tomorrow. The kids and I have been playing and having fun and in 10 or 20 years I hope that is what matters and not the state of the kitchen floor or the bathroom sink. Now, will I remember that tomorrow??

1 comment:

Lori said...

Put a little note on your fridge that says "it doesn't matter what my house looks like as long as the kids are young you get what you get". Hopefully that will help you remember not to stress over cleaning so much.