Friday, April 25, 2008

Digging in the dirt

The kids and I dug around in the dirt today. Mitch must have asked me a zillion times why we were "digging in the dirt" and Megan happily tromped around with her snow boots on. I was so sick last fall that none of my flower beds got winterized or cut back so I have a ton of work to do and lots of weeds to pull. Lucky for me I am feeling fine now and the garden didn't wait for me...oh no... there is a ton of work to be done out there! Spring is always a fun time. Anticipating what to plant, what will bloom next, what colors will show up. God blesses us each Spring with the promise of new life and today I got to share it with my little ones...even if we were just "digging in the dirt"!

Happy Friday!

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