Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I've been in sort of a funk this week and just haven't had a chance to blog about the weekend. It started off as a nice birthday but I guess along the line I may have forgotten to inform my dear husband that when I said all I wanted for my birthday was to sleep in and eat chocolate donuts I really did mean just that. So, when I was laying in bed on Sunday and I could hear Mitch in his room and Megan in her crib and Frank was still snoring away at 7am I was a little grouchy. And then I got even grouchier when I poked him a little and asked if he would get up with them. Then REALLY grouchy when he rolled over, pulled the covers over his head like he does every weekend and went back to sleep. So I was up at 7:15am on Sunday, my birthday, not sleeping in OR eating chocolate donuts. I won't whine about the rest of the day but we did go to this new(to us) restaurant we found called La Loma and had really good Mexican food. All I wish for this year is good health all around. To 31!

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